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Acrob = Arduino Compatible Robot
Author: Richard Balogh (
Acrob is a small mobile robot platform used for education developed at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. It is a fruitful combination of the great Parallax Boe-Bot robot
with the new electronic board compatible with the popular Arduino platform. As a result, we have the robot with many
accessories available and programmable in C-like language with many libraries and user forums support. The board is an integrated version of the Parallax Board of Education Shield (for Arduino).
See also:
- Technical documentation (technical parameters, schematics,...)
- Before You start (download, install, setup)
- Build your robot (hardware mount)
- Hello, World! (serial output, TODO: variables)
- LED Blink (digital output, delays)
- Pushbutton (digital input, conditions, statements)
- Piezospeaker (digital output, tone, reset)
- Basic movements (analog output, PWM, servo, robot kinematics)
- Distance sensor (analog input, distance sensor)
- Line sensor I. (analogue)
- Line sensor II. (digital)
- Line following robot with obstacle avoidance
- Ultrasonic sensor (time measurement) (see also HCSR04)
- Whiskers (digital obstacle detection)
- Compass (digital compass sensor)
- Color sensor (digital color sensor)
- Accelerometer (dual axis accelerometer)
- Line Follower Sensor
- Basics (analog vs. digital, discrete vs. continuous)
Slovak (obsolete)
- Hello, World. (prvý program)
- LED Blink. (digitálne výstupy, oneskorenie)
- Pushbutton. (digitálne vstupy, podmienky)
- Piezospeaker. (zvuky, reset)
- Basic movements. (základný pohyb robota)
- Distance sensor. (analógový vstup, snímač vzdialenosti)
- Line sensor I. (snímač čiary, analógový)
- Line sensor II. (snímač čiary, digitálny)
- Line following robot with obstacle avoidance.
- LCD displej (pripojenie, komunikácia)
- Arduino Simulator
Robotika Cvičenia
- Zadania z robotiky 2012
- Zadania z robotiky 2011
- Dotazník - prosím, ohodnoťte cvičenia (vopred vďaka)
- Tabuľka s bodmi z cvičení (kde nič nie je, chýba referát)
- Straty a nálezy (pero, prsten, zosit, usb kluc: )
Read more
- Richard Balogh: Acrob - an Educational Robotic Platform, AT&P Journal Plus magazine, November, 2010. Vol. 10(2), pp. 6-9. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
- Richard Balogh: Laboratory exercises with Acrob robot, In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Robotics in Education (RiE 2011)., pp. 41-46. Vienna, Austria. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
- Richard Balogh: Using an Open Software for Electronics and Robotics, In: Proceedings of the conference on Open Software in Research and Education (OSS 2011), pp. 39 - 47. Žilina, Slovakia. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [PDF]
- Andy Lindsay: Robotics with the Board of Education Shield for Arduino.

The Acrob board is (or was) used here:
- Roobotic club Sachisti: and their experiences...
- Course Robotics at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Summer school of robotics at the Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Austria
- Local Mechatronic Contest organized by the BEST - Board of European Students of Technology
- Robotchallenge robotic contest in Linefollower and Puck Collect categories
- Robot with Acrob board won the international RoboCup Jr. 2011 contest in the category RescueJr. B
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Acrob board is open hardware. |
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