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Acrob robot.

Acrob = Arduino Compatible Robot

Author: Richard Balogh  (baloghelf.stuba.sk)

Acrob is a small mobile robot platform used for education developed at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. It is a fruitful combination of the great Parallax Boe-Bot robot with the new electronic board compatible with the popular Arduino platform. As a result, we have the robot with many accessories available and programmable in C-like language with many libraries and user forums support. The board is an integrated version of the Parallax Board of Education Shield (for Arduino). See also: http://learn.parallax.com/


  1. Technical documentation (technical parameters, schematics,...)
  2. Before You start (download, install, setup)
  3. Build your robot (hardware mount)
  4. Hello, World! (serial output, TODO: variables)
  5. LED Blink (digital output, delays)
  6. Pushbutton (digital input, conditions, statements)
  7. Piezospeaker (digital output, tone, reset)
  8. Basic movements (analog output, PWM, servo, robot kinematics)
  9. Distance sensor (analog input, distance sensor)
  10. Line sensor I. (analogue)
  11. Line sensor II. (digital)
  12. Line following robot with obstacle avoidance
  13. Ultrasonic sensor (time measurement) (see also HCSR04)
  14. Whiskers (digital obstacle detection)
  15. Compass (digital compass sensor)
  16. Color sensor (digital color sensor)
  17. Accelerometer (dual axis accelerometer)
  18. Line Follower Sensor
  19. Basics (analog vs. digital, discrete vs. continuous)

Slovak (obsolete)

  1. Hello, World. (prvý program)
  2. LED Blink. (digitálne výstupy, oneskorenie)
  3. Pushbutton. (digitálne vstupy, podmienky)
  4. Piezospeaker. (zvuky, reset)
  5. Basic movements. (základný pohyb robota)
  6. Distance sensor. (analógový vstup, snímač vzdialenosti)
  7. Line sensor I. (snímač čiary, analógový)
  8. Line sensor II. (snímač čiary, digitálny)
  9. Line following robot with obstacle avoidance.
  10. LCD displej (pripojenie, komunikácia)
  11. Arduino Simulator

Robotika Cvičenia

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Acrob robots.


The Acrob board is (or was) used here:

Acrob board is open hardware.
Schematic diagram and final pcb were designed using the gEDA suite of programs.

More info on the technical documentation page...