
AVR ExampleT1pooled.c

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/* Example 9.1. Timer counter 1 in timer mode - pooled version  */

#include <avr/io.h>

int main( void )
  /* *********************** Init device ************************************ */

    DDRB = 0x??;                    // PORTB LED on PB2  is output
   PORTB = 0x??;                    // LED Active low, LED off, No pull-ups

  TCCR1A = 0b????????;              // T/C1 in timer mode 
  TCCR1B = 0b????????;              // prescale ck 
   TCNT1 = 0x????;                  // start value of T/C1 Low+High bytes
   TIFR1 = 0x01;                    //(1<<TOV1);   if a 1 is written to a TOV1 bit
                                    //             - the TOV1 bit will be cleared

  /* *********************** Main Loop ************************************** */

  do {

      if ( (TIFR1 & 0x01) == 0x01)   // If the overflow flag is set
        PORTB = PORTB ^ 0b????????;  // Toggle the LED
        TCNT1 = 0x????;              // Restart T/C1 - reload
        TIFR1 = 0x01;                // Clear the overflow flag
        asm("nop");                  // Do nothing

  } while(1);                        // And do this forever


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