
AVR Example T1 counter

Z SensorWiki

Verzia z 09:38, 13. október 2010, ktorú vytvoril Balogh (diskusia | príspevky)

Tento program pouzije D5 (arduino) ako pocitadlo. Mozne pripojit tlacitko, alebo 555 a pocitat pocet impulzov.

Vstavany terminal Arduina nema formatovanie, takze treba pouzit iny terminal aby sa to pekne vypisovalo:

#define SWITCH 5                // select the pin for Switch

void setup()
 pinMode(SWITCH, INPUT);        // this pin is an INPUT
  TCNT1 = 0x00;                 // initialize (CLEAR)counter 
 TCCR1B = 0x07;                 // T1 clk = external clock source on pin T1, rising edge

 Serial.println("Button test:");

void loop()                      // endless loop
 Serial.print("Input D5 = ");
 Serial.print("  TCNT1 = ");
 Serial.print('\r');             // this will not work with embedded Serial Monitor,  
                                 // but works fine with e.g. putty terminal

 delay(250);                     // wait 1/4s for another measurement

AVR Timer T1 Counter.png

AVR Timer TCNT1 Counter.png