
Projekt akcelerometer.c

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Verzia z 19:17, 20. december 2012, ktorú vytvoril StudentDVPS (diskusia | príspevky) (Vytvorená stránka „#include <avr/io.h> #include "lcd.h" #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> FILE mystdout = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(lcdDataWrite, NULL, _FDEV_SETU...“)
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  1. include <avr/io.h>
  2. include "lcd.h"
  3. include <avr/interrupt.h>
  4. include <stdlib.h>
  5. include <stdio.h>

FILE mystdout = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(lcdDataWrite, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE); // je nova funkcia pre jeden znak unsigned char pole[8][16]={"1234567890111213","abcdefghijklmnop","qwertyuiopasdfgh","!@#$%^&*()_+}|{?","1234567890111213","abcdefghijklmnop","qwertyuiopasdfgh","!@#$%^&*()_+}|{?"};

volatile unsigned int STARTX = 0; // The variable for interrupt should be declared as a volatile one! volatile long DELTAX; volatile unsigned int PULSEX=0,PWMX; volatile unsigned int ENDX=0; volatile unsigned int bufferX=0;

volatile unsigned int STARTY = 0; // The variable for interrupt should be declared as a volatile one! volatile long DELTAY; volatile unsigned int PULSEY=0,PWMY; volatile unsigned int ENDY=0; volatile unsigned int bufferY=0;

ISR(PCINT0_vect) { bufferX=TCNT1;

if (!(PINB & 0b00100000)) { PULSEX=bufferX; PWMX=PULSEX-STARTX; } else { //TCNT1=0x000; ENDX=STARTX; STARTX=bufferX; DELTAX=STARTX-ENDX; } }

ISR(PCINT1_vect) { bufferY=TCNT1;

if (PINC & 0b00000001) { ENDY=STARTY; STARTY=bufferY; DELTAY=STARTY-ENDY; } else { PULSEY=bufferY; PWMY=PULSEY-STARTY; } }

void lcdGotoXY(int riadok,int stlpec) {

if (riadok==1) lcdControlWrite(0x40+0x80+stlpec); else lcdControlWrite(0x80+stlpec);


void delay_ms(unsigned int ms) {

 unsigned int index;
 while (ms)
  index = F_CPU / 19040;    // vypocitajte, kolko treba, aby sme dostali 1ms!!
  while (index)
   asm volatile ("nop");


int SDH(void) { lcdControlWrite(0x02); return 0; }

void Plot(int stlp, int riadok) { int i,j;

j=riadok; lcdGotoXY(0,0); for(i=stlp;i<=stlp+8;i++) { lcdDataWrite(pole[j][i]);

} j++; lcdGotoXY(1,0); for(i=stlp;i<=stlp+8;i++) {


} }

int SDL(void) { lcdControlWrite(0x18); return 0; }

int SDR(void) { lcdControlWrite(0x1C); return 0; }

int main(void) { int i=0,j; DDRB = 0b00000000; // Set ICR - Port B, pin0 as INPUT DDRC = 0b00000000; // Set ICR - Port B, pin0 as INPUT PCICR=0b00000011; PCIFR=0b00000011; PCMSK1=0b00000001; PCMSK0=0b00100000;

TCCR1B = 0b11000010;               // T1 clk = F_CPU : 1024, falling edge pin ICP1,
TCCR1A = 0b00000000;                // T1 in timer mode !! Note: if You omit this, TCNT1 will be only 8-bit !!
 TCNT1 = 0x0000;           // initialize the counter (16-bit! Low+High bytes)


stdout = &mystdout;           // Odteraz funguje printf();

sei(); // Enable ALL interrupts


// if(PWMX<0) // PWMX+=65536;

// if(DELTAX<0) // DELTAX+=65536;

// lcdGotoXY(0,0); // printf("%u ",((long)(PWMX*10)/DELTAX)); // lcdGotoXY(1,0); // printf("%u ",PWMX); Plot(0,i); // max 8,2 delay_ms(1000); if (((long)(PWMX*10)/DELTAX)==2) SDR(); else if(((long)(PWMX*10)/DELTAX)==0) SDL(); if (((long)(PWMY*10)/DELTAY)==2 && i<6) i++; else if(((long)(PWMY*10)/DELTAY)==0 && i>0) i--;

} }