Mikroprocesory: história
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The first microprocessors were designed and manufactured in the 1970s. Designers predominantly used MOSFET transistors with pMOS logic in the early 1970s, and then predominantly used NMOS logic from the mid-1970s. They also experimented with various word lengths. Early on, 4-bit processors were common (e.g. Intel 4004). Later in the decade, 8-bit processors such as the MOS 6502 superseded the 4-bit chips. 16-bit processors emerged by the decade's end. Some unusual word lengths were tried, including 12-bit and 20-bit. Intel's 4004 is widely regarded as the first commercial microprocessor.
Date | Name | Developer | Max clock (first version) |
Word size (bits) |
Process | Chips | Transistors | MOSFET | Ref. |
1971 | 4004 | Intel | 740 kHz | 4 | 10 μm | 1 | 2,250 | pMOS | [1] |
1972 | 8008 | Intel | 500 kHz | 8 | 10 μm | 1 | 3,500 | pMOS | |
1974 | 8080 | Intel | 2 MHz | 8 | 6 μm | 1 | 6,000 | NMOS | |
1976 | Z-80 | Zilog | 2.5 MHz | 8 | 4 μm | 1 | 8,500 | NMOS | |
1977 | 8085 | Intel | 3.0 MHz | 8 | 3 μm | 1 | 6 500 | ||
1978 | 8086 | Intel | 5 MHz | 16 | 3 μm | 1 | 29 000 | ||
1979 | 8088 | Intel | 5 MHz | 8/16</ref>The Intel 8088 had an 8-bit external data bus, but internally used a 16-bit architecture.</ref> | 3 μm | 1 | 29 000 | NMOS (HMOS) | |
1979 | 68000 | Motorola | 8 MHz | 16/32[2] | 3.5 μm | 1 | 68,000 | NMOS (HMOS) | [3] |
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 Belzer, J., Holzman, A. G., Kent, A.: Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology: Volume 10 - Linear and Matrix Algebra to Microorganisms: Computer-Assisted Identification. CRC Press, 1978.
- ↑ The Motorola 68000 had a 16-bit external data bus, but internally used 32-bit registers.
- ↑ Chip Hall of Fame: Motorola MC68000 Microprocessor. IEEE Spectrum.