font = "Impact";
letter_size = 22;
letter_height = 1;
difference() { // This builds the coin with recesses on each side.
cylinder(h=6, d=36);
translate ([0,0,-5.5]) { // making bottom brim
color("red") cylinder(h=6, d=31); // bottom of coin
translate ([0,0,5.5]) {
color("blue") cylinder(h=6, d=31); // top of coin
union() { // This union creates and positions the K symbol on the bottom of the coin.
linear_extrude(height = letter_height) {
rotate([0,0,90]) translate ([0,0,5]) text("K", font=font, valign="center", halign="center", size =letter_size);
} // Union - kama bottom
rotate([0,0,90]) {
translate([0,0,5]) {
mirror([0,90,0]) {
union() { // This union creates and positions the K symbol on the top of the coin.
linear_extrude(height = letter_height) {
rotate([0,0,90]) translate ([0,0,5]) text("K", font=font, valign="center", halign="center", size =letter_size);
} // Union - kama top