

Výsledky vyhľadávania

  • Robot competitions are more and more used as a tool for education as well as an entertainment …etitions are existing already for more than 40 years. Currently, dozens of competitions are organized every month around the world and are well respected for their …
    6 KB (938 slov) - 09:17, 19. apríl 2018
  • * OBDRŽÁLEK, David - BALOGH, Richard - LUGMAYR, Artur. Workshop on robot competitions. In Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2018 : 17th IFIP TC 14 International Con * Balogh, R. (2005), "A Survey of Robotic Competitions. I am a Robot -- Competitor.", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Sy …
    3 KB (355 slov) - 07:28, 10. september 2020