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(Line following robot with an obstacle avoidance)
Riadok 4: Riadok 4:
== '''Line following robot with an obstacle avoidance''' ==
== '''Line following robot with an obstacle avoidance''' ==
[[Obrázok:LinefollowerOneSensor.png|200px]] [[Obrázok:LinefollowerTwoSensor.png|200px]][[Obrázok:LinefollowerThreeSensor.png|200px]]
[[Obrázok:LinefollowerOneSensor.png|300px]] [[Obrázok:LinefollowerTwoSensor.png|300px]][[Obrázok:LinefollowerThreeSensor.png|300px]]

Aktuálna revízia z 08:54, 13. jún 2010

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Line following robot with an obstacle avoidance

LinefollowerOneSensor.png LinefollowerTwoSensor.pngLinefollowerThreeSensor.png

Your turn

Program Your robot to follow the black line. In case the obstacle it should avoid it or at least stop before it. You can use 3 QTI Line sensors and Sharp distance sensor.


If Your robot is succesfull, send it to the contest! (e.g. Istrobot 2011 or Robotchallenge).

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